For the first time ever, libraries across Connecticut and the entire country are celebrating children and reading with Take Your Child to the Library Day! This grass-roots effort, started by the Waterford Public Library and Stratford Connecticut Library Association Children's Librarians, is really taking off!
Join us on Saturday, February 4 for fun activities for kids of all ages. The Chess Club (Grades 2 and up) meets from 10-11. Come try your hand for a game (or two, or three!). Enjoy some hot chocolate and goodies while you play. We'll also have crafts set up all day - help us make a Valentine paper chain for the Children's Room, and make a Valentine (or two, or three!) to take home. We have a special Movie Double Feature and we'll be showing two of our favorite movies. At 1:00 p.m., we'll be showing Dolphin Tale (PG), starring Harry Connick, Jr. and Ashley Judd. At 3:00 p.m., we'll be showing Zookeeper (PG), starring Kevin James and Adam Sandler. Enjoy some popcorn with the movie!
Help us make this become an annual event! See you at the Library!